

”My advice to other global companies: Talk to IPW.”

Michael Robatzek, Director QEHS & Sustainability

LINDEMANN adopts ProMaS state-of-the-art software for safety and quality management

When LINDEMANN transitioned from being part of a larger organization with 15,000 employees to an independent company with around 200 people, a new robust IT platform for managing crucial aspects of our business, such as accident/incident reporting, training, and whistleblowing was needed. As safety is absolutely mission critical for us at LINDEMANN this gap needed to be rectified, and fast. Michael Robatzek, director of Quality, Health Safety and Environment & Sustainability, explains the need of ProMaS (Process Management System), its initial functionality and the scope for expanding it in the future.

Our new management reporting system is a significant development for LINDEMANN. We have adopted a proven system from the Danish company IPW, which offers quality management, management reporting, and production optimization in a user-friendly package.


Securing Safety and Elevating Quality: LINDEMANN’s Leap to ProMaS

Safety is a core value of LINDEMANN, so not having a suitable system to manage the documentation of safety-related issues dictated that this omission be addressed. Prior to launching our new platform, we only had a basic document management solution, which lacked a search function. Even with the introduction of the more modern SharePoint, we still faced challenges with duplicate content. IPW’s platform ProMaS provides a centralized and user-friendly all-in-one solution for effective quality management, addressing these issues. Furthermore, it was essential for us that IPW was a European provider and could guarantee that our company data would be stored on a German server, aligning with Germany’s stringent data protection regulations.

Tailoring a Rapid, IPW Cloud-Based and Centralized Solution

We needed a cloud-based solution with single sign-on capabilities, to streamline access. It was also crucial to avoid double maintenance of data. All data coming from Human Resources through Azure had to be directly reflected in the platform. Additionally, we had tight time constraints, and needed the system launched within weeks. Fortunately, IPW was able to meet these requirements. After discussions and a workshop, the platform was developed in just three weeks. Internal testing and user exploration took an additional three weeks, making it a total of just six weeks from our initial conversation with IPW to having an operational system.

User-Friendly System with Filtered Viewing for Efficient Management

ProMaS offers centralized content control, allowing users to quickly find documents that are relevant to them based on predefined definitions. It’s accessible on tablets and mobile devices through a simple single sign-on. The first module implemented focusses on safety – specifically incident reporting – which is crucial in our heavy industry, due to its inherent risks. The system makes it easy to report all risk observations and ensures that corrective and preventive actions are included.

It’s not just safety the new platform can manage: since its launch three months ago, the content on the system has more than tripled, and the QEHS&S team has ambitious plans to manage more functions in collaboration with IPW.

Transparent Risk Observation

Reporting includes root cause analysis and corrective actions for observations, near misses, and accidents, accessible to everyone. Managers can access specific information.

IPW Cloud-Based and Centralized Solution

Centralized content, filtered according to predefined definitions. Employees quickly locate documents and see only what is relevant to them induvidually.

Scalable System Without Limitations

IPW ensures rapid benefits and can expand alongside LINDEMANNS’ global development. Also, seamless scaling to tablets and mobile devices with effective single sign-on.

“It’s not just safety the new platform can manage: since its launch three months ago, the content on the system has more than tripled, and the QEHS&S team has ambitious plans to manage more functions in collaboration with IPW.”

– Michael Robatzek, Director QEHS & Sustainability


LINDEMANN develops and manufactures machinery, systems, and components for scrap processing. The company also provides the entire metal recycling value

chain, including separation, sorting, and dedusting. With approximately 200 employees, LINDEMANN is headquartered in Düsseldorf and has 20 locations worldwide, including subsidiaries and sales partners.


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