

IPW BasicBuilder

IPW BasicBuilder is an intense basic online course for IPW users who want an effective review of the fundamental functions of IPW Polaris and IPW Metazo – and who want to be able to make the best possible use of the system’s innate features.

IPW BasicBuilder gives you the basic tools required to get started with the IPW System. It is also for those who would like an update on what the system can do on the basic level.

Prerequisite: To get the most out of the course, you are expected to have an IPW System in operation. The course is for you who are a Super User or Administrator in an IPW system in operation, who needs to be able to understand and use the basic elements of the IPW System

Online BasicBuilder: The course runs over two days, with each session lasting 3 hours, including breaks. We use Microsoft Teams.

In-house BasicBuilder: This 6-hour course, running from 9 AM to 3 PM (including breaks), takes place at IPW Systems A/S, Olaf Ryes Gade 7R, 6000 Kolding, with a maximum of 7 participants.

The courses provide participants with 90 days of free access to the online IPW Academy course “BasicBuilder,” featuring strategic articles, video tutorials, practical examples, customizable templates, and much more.


  • Understanding of the Document flow and utilization of the various functionality and options that come with it.
  • Create IPW Documents with an eye for organization, workflows, and utilization of functionalities (Focus is on Document Properties – not Document Content)
  • How files (can) be used in the system as well as tips and tricks to work with them effectively.
  • Setting up and using the extension Document Lists
  • Setting up and using the extension File Publish


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